Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Baby Changes Everything

The last 6 days have changed my life. I think that it is safe to say that this will probably be the most memorable Christmas ever. Christmas eve Bryan told my uncle that a baby may be just what we needed to change our world and relationships. My uncle responded, "A baby is the only thing that really ever has." There was a ton of wisdom in that statement.

I have thought a lot about that statement. Christ came to our world as a baby, adopted by Joseph, and created to change the world. What an awesome thing that God has done in our lives. He has given us our own picture of Christ. Reese came to us as a baby, to be adopted, and to change our world. What a blessing we have been given.

After only 6 days, we already have a better idea and understanding of Christ's love for us. I had always been told that having your own children would make God's love and sacrifice more real. I would say that is true. Sure, we are in the honeymoon period right now, but we have already had a few rough spots. I know that it won't always be easy, but I know that I have been given everything that I need to love him the way God intended.

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