Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Out of the Box

We are getting closer everyday to bringing Reese home. I am excited and nervous. It is really hard for me to not feel like I am in control. Guess what, my little box is about to be rocked. I don't think that I feel like I'm in control for the next 18 years.

With that said, today's post will be on a much lighter note. Brooke sent me an email today with this survey attached. I thought I would post it here. I am going to change the directions a little and answer the questions about myself. I am including the original instructions in case you want to cut & paste and pass it on.

Instructions: Okay, this one is different - this is funny. YOU fill in the blanks about ME and send it back to ME. But FIRST, send a blank one out to all your friends, including me, so we can return the favor to you. Be honest. They're really SCARY to get back. It only takes a few minutes,so just do it! First send (forward) this survey to everyone you know to see how well he or she knows you. Second, hit 'reply' and fill this survey out about the person who sent it to you and send it back to them.

Where did we meet?

Take a stab at my middle name? Drennon

Do I smoke? No

Do I have lots of friends, lots of acquaintances, or small number of close friends? a lot of acquaintances with a small number close friends

Color of my eyes? Blue

How many siblings do I have? 3 (half brother, half sister, step sister)

What's one of my favorite things to do? Shop and making crafts

What's my favorite type music? praise and worship

What's my favorite sport? Basketball

What's my favorite color? Purple and silver

Am I shy or outgoing? Shy

Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules? Rules follower all the way

Any special talents? Dancing (tap, jazz, & swing)

What is my favorite family vacation spot? Charleston

If I could take the kids anywhere on vacation, where would I choose? Southern California

If you and I were stranded on a deserted island, what is one thing I would bring? camera

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