Saturday, December 20, 2008

Doubly Blessed

We met Reese yesterday and I must say he is the sweetest, cutest baby boy ever! (I guess I could be a little biased.) I would share pictures, but unfortunately, I can't. My digital camera rarely leaves my side and I document everything in photos. Everything expect meeting my child.

When I tried to turn the camera on, it did absolutely nothing! I tired my regular tricks and nothing worked. Those darn rechargeable batteries must have been recharged one too many times. Have no fear we will be purchasing more TODAY!

It is an understatement to say that we immediately fell in love. We held him, played with him, and I even got to feed him. (Bryan was a little nervous about attempting that.) He is such a happy baby and has a wonderful disposition. I can hardly wait until Monday.

Not only did we get to meet Reese yesterday, his new cousin was welcomed into our world as well. My cousin Jamie had her baby around 6 pm last night. As if all this weren't blessing enough, Brooke and Chris got good news about Dillen. Still no travel date, but encouraging news. You can follow their journey here.

God is so good! What a Christmas this is going to be!