Friday, December 12, 2008

Oh Happy Day!

It is official. As of December 22nd we will no longer be a family of two. We will be picking up our 6 month old baby boy from his foster parents on the 22nd. Santa is coming early!

It is funny to me how God works. He certainly has a sense of humor. If you are in the upstate of SC you most likely saw the news story about the newborn dropped off at a fire department in Spartanburg. When I saw this story Monday afternoon, something inside of me changed. I sincerely knew that DSS was going to call me to come get this child. I have not ever felt like that with any other local story. I didn't tell anyone and I went on about my normal day.

Tuesday morning I was wrapping presents. We had purchased a couple of things for the baby while they were on sale with the intention of putting them away until that time. As I sat there wrapping I couldn't get past the thought that I needed to wrap those baby items also. In my mind, I was thinking "just in case". Soon after that the noon news came on and the first story was about that baby. Again, I couldn't stop thinking that they were going to call me about this baby.

Within 5 minutes the phone rang. The caller ID said State of SC. I almost didn't answer. (Our mortgage is through the sate and we get recorded calls in reference to this around the time that it is due.) I realized that this was a different number than usual, an 864 number rather than 803. On the other end was a voice that I recognized as our family worker. She asked if I was sitting down and gave me the news. (She was actually calling about a different child, but none the less, God was preparing my heart for the call.)

I was completely overwhelmed and didn't know what to say. I couldn't think clearly. It was all so sudden. We have waited for so long for that call, that I guess I never really expected it to come. After a few phone calls back and forth, we made an appointment to come in and talk with them about the baby. Yesterday at 9:00am we met with a couple of ladies and they gave us a lot of information. Bryan and I talked, prayed, and talked with a few trusted friends. We talked a little more this morning and made the call.

Next Friday we will have the opportunity to meet our Little Buddy! Although he won't be able to come home with us that day, I am looking forward to it. Don't worry, there will be plenty of pictures!

We plan to name him Reese. This won't be his legal name for now, but as soon as we can legally change it he will be Reese Holder. As for his story, we would like to keep that private for now. I am sure that you can understand.


Anonymous said...

HOW EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like the perfect situation for you!

Looking forward to watching your story unfold.

Texas Slowpoke said...

I am so excited for ya'll!!!

As for keeping the past private, good for you!! That is a very wise decision.