Saturday, December 6, 2008

Change of Plans

Today (Friday) did not go at all as I had planned. My plan was to spend my morning and afternoon making my treats for our Christmas parties, bathe the dog, and get dressed up for the party. Bryan's staff party was tonight and mine is tomorrow night. Bryan left to eat lunch with a friend and I began the treat making.

I was beginning to wrap up the baking with the intention of taking my shower and getting dressed to be at the church by 5:00. Still in my pajamas, the phone rang at 2:00 and with my chocolate covered fingers I answered. On the other end Bryan sounded very upset. He had just received the call that his dad had been hit head on. He was headed to the scene.

I immediately got the chocolate off my fingers, pulled out some clothes, texted my best friend, and jumped in the shower. After brushing my teeth and throwing on clothes I headed to the scene myself. This was not the kind of accident that you want to arrive at. It was not one of those dented bumper, missing mirror kind of things. The fireman standing guard seemed to think that he was not going to let me walk up to the scene. Well, he thought wrong.

As I approached I saw Bryan and Sammy. Sammy, Bryan's best friend, had beat us both there. Weldon had already been cut out of the van and transported to the hospital. The other man had been transported as well. We observed the scene and tried to determine what may have happened. After taking a few pictures we left and headed to the hospital. This is where we spent the next several hours.

God is good! Weldon does not appear to be seriously injured nor does the other man. The van Weldon was driving and the BMW that hit him were both totally destroyed, so we really didn't know what to expect. The other man has minor injuries. Weldon will have a long road ahead due to the amount of reconstructive surgery he will under go. His right shoulder, hip, and knee were crushed. His right lower leg may be broken as well. There are broken ribs which are causing some breathing problems.

The surgeries will begin tomorrow morning. We are praying for things to go smoothly and for protection from pneumonia. Please join us in praying!

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