Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Who's The Big Deal

I recently bought a new devotional Bible. The Bible that I have been using since we got married 8 years ago is worn out! This summer a portion of the New Testament fell out. Who needs Philemon through James anyway, right?! The devotion that I read a couple of days ago was titled Who's The Big Deal.

The author says that our job as Christian's is to make a big deal out of God. Our goal is to make God famous. This sparked many thoughts in my mind. As a ministry family we have tons of opportunities to make God famous to those around us. We have been given a huge responsibility to make sure that the students in our community not only know God, but make him famous by the way they live their lives.

More importantly, my new job is to make God famous to my own family, specifically to Reese. The author asks some questions that I want to ask of my self every morning. I encourage you to ask your self these same questions each new day.

* How will I make God famous to my kids today?
* Will they learn to seek his presence because of his presence in me?
* Will they be able to recognize godliness because they have witnessed godliness in me?

i deal with and teach many children everyday. However, the most important person that I teach each day is my own sweet baby. Will he know that God is love? Will he know that God loves us just the way we are? Will he see my life as a love letter back to the one who gave me life?

I pray constantly for him to know and love my Savior in a real and intimate way. One of the best ways that I can help make this happen is by loving Christ and living that out in front of him. everyday I ask the Lord to give me the things that I need to make that happen. As I look at my beautiful blessing, I can't imagine not spending eternity with him by my side.

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