Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Blessing of Waiting

I recently finished reading Letters from Ruth's Attic. One of the final devotions in the book was about waiting. This devotion resonated with me because I have found it's lesson to be so true in my life. How many times in life have you thought you wanted or needed something right now? For instance, Bryan and I have wanted a child for a long time. We both felt strongly about adoption and were getting anxious in the waiting process.

Several times people told us about children that were potentially available. Each time we would follow the lead and see what may happen. One child in particular we had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with. As his case progressed we were asked about potentially taking him on a more permanent basis. Initially, we thought that this was it. He was the one for us. God had plopped him in our laps, right?

All of the sudden things changed. A lot of doubts flooded over me almost in an instant. I just couldn't find a peace about the situation. Bryan and I talked and prayed and over and over. The more we prayed the more my doubts were confirmed. Though we knew we were doing the right thing, it didn't seem logical. We wanted a child so badly and here is one right in front of us that needs a home. I knew God had something else in store for us. I just needed to trust Him and WAIT. We didn't have to wait very long. Within 6 weeks the call came and two weeks later God blessed us with Reese!

I thought of this situation when I read Ruth Graham's words, "Then I understood, as never before, why God does not answer all of our prayers right away. Today we may be beseeching Him for things that we would not want six months from now." How true that has been for us. We could never have imagined where we are now and we wouldn't trade it for anything.

When we pray according to God's will we know that He hears us and He will answer our prayers. Those answers will come in His time. Know that He is faithful and the blessing will be worth the wait.

I patiently waited, LORD, for you to hear my prayer. You listened and pulled me from a lonely pit full of mud and mire. You let me stand on a rock with my feet firm,
Psalm 40:1-2 (CEV)

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