Friday, June 20, 2008

One Summer at Youth Camp... (part 2)

SURGE day 3

We had a lot of technical difficulties today. Nothing wanted to cooperate. On top of that we made yet another round of Dr. and ER visits. Monday night while we were in the ER, Taylor cut his finger on a Tiki Torch. He was also in the midst of Capture the Flag when this went down. (Needless to say, Capture the Flag is banned from MSM, as well as, all other night games.) He was bleeding badly, but one of the ladies cleaned him up and bandaged it. Tuesday morning, it was still bleeding badly, so we decided he had to go to the Dr. One of our girls was not feeling well, so Pam checked her out and suspected Strep. We made an appointment for her at a Dr.’s office and took Taylor as well. The Dr. sent Taylor over to the ER, so I went with him. It was the same Dr. from the night before. He was quite amused to see me again. He took care of Taylor and we headed back to camp. Other than a migraine and a minor Excedrin o.d. no more drama. YEAH!

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