Monday, May 3, 2010

Worth Re-tweeting

This morning, I was reading my twitter page and came across this tweet: "Remembering when I first was engaged to Walker. He introduced me to one of his friends, who said,'Nice to finally meet you. We've prayed for you for years.' All teary again at the memory!!" from @Missyneedsanap

I too became a little teary just reading that. (Becoming a mom has brought the weepiness out of me. However, I am still not a crier!) What an awesome greeting and blessing. That is the way to start a marriage. I find myself praying for Reese's future friends and bride, though not nearly enough. It is never too early to bring blessings on your child and those that will be such a big influence in their lives.

My little fella isn't even 2 yet, but I know God has an incredible group of people out there for him if he will be faithful to follow Christ's leading. One thing I have to remember... it must be Christ's leading. I can't make his decisions for him. I must let him make his choices and learn from those choices. I can, however, model good choices for him and continue to ask God's blessings on his sweet little life.

It is hard to imagine him walking out my front door with a group of teenagers and even harder to imagine him walking out that door with a ring in his hand. There is no doubt in my mind that God is preparing him for that and preparing those other kids as well. What an incredible blessing we can give that young lady someday if we, as parents, will be faithful to pray for her.

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