Saturday, May 29, 2010

Adoption Update

It has been a while since I have talked about our adoption status. The main reason for that is because we have been in the "hurry-up and wait" stage. It looks like our patience may be paying off! As of right now, we have a hearing schedule for June 8th.

Yes, that is 9 days away!!! This hearing is to terminate the birth mother's rights. We have been waiting on this for a long time. This is a huge step in our process toward finalization. After this hearing there is a period of up to 90 days for paperwork, etc. to be completed. After that the birth mother will no longer be involved and we will begin the waiting game for finalization. I am not sure exactly how long that will take. It is possible that it could only be a couple of months.

We are not necessarily concerned about the wait at that point, because the BM no longer has the right to request visitation. Of course, the sooner the better!

Please join us in praying about this next step. We ask that you pray that the hearing will happen and that the judge would complete the paperwork quickly. There is the potential that the BM could relinquish her rights that day (this would cut out some of the paperwork and therefore possibly speed things up) though we don't anticipate this. Also, we ask that you pray that we would be able to get our finalization hearing scheduled quickly.

Reese's 2nd birthday is three weeks from today. What an incredible gift it would be to have the TPR over with by that date. December will be our 2nd family anniversary. Again, what a blessing it would be to finalize by then.

Thank you for praying with us!

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