Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lessons from a child

Yesterday Reese had his first official play date. He was worn out and seemed to have enjoyed himself. I don't know about him, but mom learned a few lessons from the experience. The morning started with a visit to Dr. Johnson for a check up and blood work. My little man was such a trooper. He behaved so well. Dr. Johnson was checking his ears and was planning to check his throat. Before the Dr. had a chance to say anything, Reese opened up wide and kept saying "Ahh". It was so cute and totally caught Dr. Johnson off guard. After the exam, nurse Helen put some cream on his little arms to get him numbed up for blood work.

I am always nervous about blood work, but I was even more on edge this time (for several reasons). The child before Reese was FREAKING out. He made quite a scene and you could feel the tension in the waiting room. I just knew that Reese would follow suit and flip out. Boy was I surprised. He didn't make a peep. We laid him on the table, the nurse stuck him and it was over. She bandaged him up and we were gone without a tear.

We got in the car and headed to the mall to meet my friend Natalie and her boys. In the 5 minutes it took us to get to the mall he had stripped the bandage off. "I'm a tough guy mom. I don't need no stinking bandage!"

Lesson 1: Don't worry about what may be. Focus on the now!

The little boy ahead of Reese was probably 4 or 5 and apparently knew what was coming when he entered the lab. He was thinking about it way too much and freaked out before the nurse ever touched him. Reese, on the other hand, had no idea what was coming next. He was concerned about the cookies I was feeding him at the moment. He did not allow himself to worry about what may be coming. Because his focus was on the here and now, he didn't have any need to freak out.

Matthew 6:34 (The Message)
Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.

After a quick visit with cousin Brant at GAP kids we headed to the play area. There was a little girl playing that looked about 2. Reese kept watching her and trying to play near her. She was a cute little girl (he has good taste). I wish I could say she was a sweet as she was cute. Natalie, Brant, and I watched this little girl shove Reese several times. This was not an accident, it was almost like she was on a search and destroy mission. My goal was to keep Reese away from her, but like most boys, he was drawn to the pretty girl.

Were I in his place, my first reaction would have been to go right back at her. I know, turn the other cheek, do unto others, yadda yadda yadda. I wish I were strong enough that those were my first thoughts. No, I don't typically act on them, but they are my initial thoughts. If you were really honest with yourself, that would probably be your initial reaction as well. Not my boy. Each time she pushed him, he would get up and giggle, then he would give the little girl the biggest hug.

Lesson 2: Love speaks volumes

I am ashamed to say that my 15 month old handles things in a more Christ like manner than I do. Somehow, I can't see Jesus shoving the little girl back. Like Reese, He would have found a way to respond in love. For Reese, the only way he knows to show love is hugs and kisses and that is exactly what he did. That little girl did not stop pushing Reese as a result of his hugs, but that didn't stop him from giving the hugs either. Christ doesn't stop loving us because we don't show Him love back. THANK GOODNESS!

How many times have I shoved Him or even spit in His face and His response was to turn around and embrace me. Like Reese's "friend", I am undeserving of His love, but how blessed I am by it.

My prayer is that I can be a little more like Reese, and in turn more like my Savior. Oh, the lessons I am learning from my little one.

1 comment:

SM Edens said...

Wow Crystal -- what an awesome blog. I have tears in my eyes... thanks for sharing :) You're a good mommy.