Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ministry Wives

I follow the Married to a Youth Pastor blog and this week a great question came up. If you had the opportunity to attend a women's Bible study, would you prefer to go to one at your own church or a different church? (You can read the original post by clicking here. ) I read the comments and then added my own. Here was my response...

First of all, I would love to be a part of a women's Bible study. I would choose one outside of my church though. My first choice would be to have a Bible study made up of pastor's wives from our area. I have been in ministry about 10 years (8 of them with my husband). Though my husband is the paid staffer, we generally serve as a team and the people in our church know that. That being said, they think that I am the inside track to the staff.

Many times when I am involved with other women at our church I get asked a million questions about private staff matters. I also get an earful about anything people aren't happy about. It is very draining and awkward. There really isn't a tactful way to tell people to mind their own business in certain situations.

Women outside of ministry don't understand the fishbowl and stress that we live under. Our whole family is on call 24/7. (Yes, we knew this was the case when we chose to follow God's call.) Often we sacrifice family time to deal with someone else's crisis. It would be such a blessing to have a connection with other women that understand the dynamics of a ministry family.

It has been my desire for quite a while to form a support team of ministry wives in our area. If anybody out there is in upstate SC look me up. I would love to get to know you!

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