Thursday, March 5, 2009

Blessings of Heartache

In Genesis 37 Joseph's brothers throw him into a well and then sell him as a slave to the Ishmaelites. You can imagine the heartache and abandonment that he felt. These are very much the same feelings that orphans feel. It is so important to remember that God knows each one of us individually, including orphans. He knows their circumstances and He has a unique plan for each one of them, just as he did Joseph.

Often God allows our heartache because He has something much bigger in mind. In The Purpose Driven Life Rick Warren says that God never wastes a hurt. Through the pain, we gain character and learn any number of virtues. These invaluable lessons could not be learned any other way. However, it is not His intent for these precious little ones to face these lessons alone. You may think that helping one orphan is insignificant. There couldn't be a bigger lie.

Your love and support makes a huge difference in the life of that child and in turn all the lives that he touches. You are becoming Christ to that child. What greater gift could you give?!

In Hope For The Journey Kerry Hasenbalg says, "Let us imagine God's perspective. When someone adopts one of these orphans, it is as though God is saying, 'Little one, you are so special to me. I knew where you were, and I picked you out and placed you here- I knew you would be here from the beginning of time.' "

God is fatihful and will bless us through our circumstances, if only we will allow Him. What an incredible gift to know that God intended for little Reese to be with us before the beginning of time and He has an incredible plan for his life.

Psalm 138:8 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
The LORD will fulfill [His purpose] for me. LORD, Your love is eternal; do not abandon the work of Your hands

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