Monday, July 13, 2009

That was tough!

Bryan and some of the other staff guys have been working out together in the mornings. For a while they were doing P90X. They would often talk about how tough of a work out it is, but they got results. Over the past couple of years Bryan has lost about 20 pounds and dropped 2 or 3 pant sizes. I have been so proud of him.

Unfortunately, I can't say the same for myself. For a long time I have been unhappy with my current state of physical fitness. The older I get, the lazier I seem to get and the more junk I eat. The days of wearing size 1's & 0's and walking everywhere I went slowly began to fade away after I walked across the stage at CU and received my degree nearly 9 years ago. I am at least 20lbs heavier and 3 sizes bigger than then (I found everything Bryan lost). Any hopes of fitting into my wedding dress for our 10 year anniversary seem to be fleeting dreams. For the longest time I have complained, but that is all I have done. There just never seems to be any motivation to change.

After seeing the results of P90X, I considered it myself... then I thought better of it. Not having exercised in some time and being asthmatic, I thought that may be a little much. Soon I saw the infomercial for 10 minute trainer which was created by Tony Horton (the P90X guy). I thought this may be my answer. Being the working mother of an infant, I don't have a lot of down time, and I don't want to leave my baby anymore than I have too. Not being one to buy something from an infomercial, I went online to check it out. I ordered 10 minuter trainer online with the best of intentions. It has sat at my house for weeks now untouched.

Sunday morning I woke up at 5 am and couldn't go back to sleep. What better time to start? Oh my gosh... that lower body workout kicked my tail! I seriously thought that I was going to throw up. I never thought 10 minutes could be so intense. I didn't let it get me down though, today I did the cardio workout. It didn't get me quite as bad, but still intense. Hopefully I will stay faithful to this.

Horton encourages you to weigh & measure yourself before you begin the program. He also encourages you to take a before picture. I would rather not share those with you right now. Maybe if I get some awesome results I will put them up as a testimonial.

Pray for me... I really want to stick to this (and not let it kill me!).

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