Friday, May 15, 2009

Monthly Adoption Update

We had our monthly meeting with our case workers this morning. Little Buddy put on a show for them today. He was full of smiles, squeaks, giggles, and plops as he tested out his new standing skills. We were glad to see him show off that personality of his.

I am amazed at how God continues to make His hand in this process so clear. You may remember that the grant paying for DSS's lawyer had run out. We were concerned that this was going to slow things down. Yesterday we were told that the lawyer has continued to work on our case despite the fact that she is not being paid. She has never lost a TPR (Termination of Parental Rights) case and is confident that our case is cut and dry. This was blessing #1 of the day.

Blessing #2 came when the foster care worker told us that cases are being pushed through very quickly right now. She is filing the TPR paperwork for our case on May 22nd and it could be as quick as three to four months to finalize. This is incredible news to us since other cases we know of have taken MUCH longer.

Blessing #3 is one that I will not share the details of for now, but our case worker got a phone call while she was here. If all goes well, this call could mean that things would move even faster. Someone outside the case is willing to intervene and try to speed things up. We don't know this person and they don't know us.

We were both overwhelmed by this news and would like for you to pray! Please join us in thanking God for the lawyer and her servant heart. Thank Him for making things speedy in court and thank Him for this stranger that is willing to help. Also, please for Reese's birth mother.

Thank you for your love and support. We appreciate it more than you will ever know!

1 comment:

Patti said...

That is great news! I think of you all the time. I have friends here trying to adopt too.