Saturday, March 20, 2010

I haven't disappeared, but my time has...

I know that I am really behind on blogging. For someone who is generally super organized and on top of things, my life has gotten a little overwhelming. My work schedule has been crazy and my little one has become more and more demanding of my time. He has given up his morning nap and is staying up later at night. All of that means that this Mom has very little down time or time to my self. My house is a DISASTER!!! I somewhat dread being in the house because it forces me to think about all that needs to be done (laundry, dishes, sweeping, mopping, scrubbing, etc.).

Reese thinks that if Mommy is awake and in the same location as him that she needs to be holding him. He wants all of my time and attention. Please don't think I am complaining, because I am not. I love holding him and snuggling with him. God is teaching me a lot, and I do mean A LOT!

I am learning how to let things go (for the moment) and to be ok with chaos (for a moment). My lists aren't getting checked off and that has to be ok for now. He needs my attention and I want to give it to him. No matter how frustrating it is at times, I have to stop checking my facebook, replying to emails, writing, cleaning, etc to spend those fleeting moments with him.

He will only be little once and he won't always think that Mommy's time is so valuable and precious. So, for now, please forgive me if you don't hear from me often. As much as I love writing, I have a greater purpose to serve. There is a little life that is being shaped by each moment that I devote to it and I am changing his world one little heartbeat at a time. May those moments be full of Jesus!

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