Saturday, July 11, 2009

Monthly Update

Reese had his 12 month check up this week. Our chunky monkey seems to be growing into himself. He is now 30 inches long and 22.10 pounds. At his 6 month check up he was in the 90-95% percentile. At 9 months he was in the 75%. He is now in the 30-50%. We were a little surprised that he didn't weigh more, but he has started walking a good bit and has gotten so long. I guess it all evens out. He had grown nearly a full inch and only 1/2 a pound.

It is kind of sad when I look back in the car. I am starting to see a little boy instead of a baby. It is just a reminder to cherish everyday because they grow up so fast.

We had our monthly visit yesterday. Things are still on track for a pre-trial hearing in early August. It is not necessary for us to be at this hearing, so most likely we will not attend. If that date goes well, we may have a TPR hearing as early as September, but most likely October. After that hearing, the BM has 30 days to appeal and then the judge has 30 more days to review her appeal and the paperwork that DSS's attorney draws up. At that point we are turned over completely to adoptions and will not deal with foster care any more.

Unfortunately, we miss understood what happens next. We were under the impression that we would be able to finalize almost immediately at that point. We now know that it may take another 4-6 months to finalize after that. Of course, our hope is for the shorter time frame. In our minds we would be final by the end of the year. It now seems that the spring is a more accurate guess, but a guess is all that it is. (God is in control and anything is possible!)

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